
Eight Fires: Spring Sessions
Four online sessions exploring creative land-based practice, set around the shift from winter to spring at the Spring Equinox

Wild Kinship
An exploration of collaborative land-based practice (or how creative work with a local territory can act as an anchor and gathering place in times of crisis). Library of Change, Leytonstone, London.

Eight Fires: the Winter Sessions
Join the Dark Mountain team in the Halcyon Days around Winter Solstice to find out how to build this collaborative practice for the coming year, inspired by our new handbook Eight Fires. With fellow practitioners, contributors and readers around the world.

Launch of Dark Mountain: Issue 24 - Eight Fires
You are invited to join us to celebrate our latest issue, Dark Mountain: Issue 24, an ensemble exploration of the eight fire festivals of the year, based on Dark Mountain’s workshop series ‘How We Walk Through the Fire’.

Dark Ocean
What role does the ocean play in our imagination? How can we become kin with the sea in an era of climate crisis and disruption? A residency with Dark Mountain and Sail Britain in the Hebrides this summer.

The Uncivilised Table
Join me and fellow writer-cooks, Nick Hunt, Caroline Ross and Mark Watson around our convivial Dark Kitchen table, as we serve up a tasty feast of words, recipes and practices from our latest spring Issue 23 about food that makes sense of everything, even as the civilised world falls apart.

The Labyrinth and the Dancing Floor
A midsummer residential Dark Mountain course at Schumacher College, Devon

Conversations at the End of the World
Join me and my fellow co-director Nick Hunt as we host a wide and deep conversation with climate chaos navigators Dougald Hine and Andrew Boyd.

Time Beyond Cronos
I’ll be talking about time at this new speaking and teaching space in London called Kairos. Do come along!

Eight Fires
Inspired by the Dark Mountain creative workshops How We Walk Through the Fire, this ensemble practice is now being created as a handbook. Here is our call out. Do come and join us!

Plant Dialogues
Our fourth workshop will focus on connecting with the plant kingdom in times of ecological crisis. We will be joined by Dark Mountain’s Mark Watson to explore how we might re-entangle ourselves with the intelligence and beauty of wild plants, working with the key leaves, flowers and trees of May.